Source code for sonify.sonify

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse
import subprocess
import tempfile
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from types import MethodType

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import font_manager
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.clients.fdsn import RoutingClient
from obspy.clients.fdsn.client import raise_on_error
from scipy import signal
from tqdm import tqdm

from . import __version__

# Add Tex Gyre Heros and JetBrains Mono to Matplotlib
for font_path in font_manager.findSystemFonts(
    str(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'fonts')


AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE = 44100  # [Hz]

PAD = 60  # [s] Extra data to download on either side of requested time slice

# [px] Output video resolution options (width, height)
    'crude': (640, 360),
    '720p': (1280, 720),
    '1080p': (1920, 1080),
    '2K': (2560, 1440),
    '4K': (3840, 2160),

FIGURE_WIDTH = 7.7  # [in] Sets effective font size, basically

# For spectrograms

MS_PER_S = 1000  # [ms/s]

# Colorbar extension triangle height as proportion of colorbar length

[docs] def sonify( network, station, channel, starttime, endtime, location='*', freqmin=None, freqmax=None, speed_up_factor=200, fps=1, resolution='4K', output_dir=None, spec_win_dur=5, db_lim='smart', log=False, utc_offset=None, ): r""" Produce an animated spectrogram with a soundtrack derived from sped-up seismic or infrasound data. Args: network (str): SEED network code station (str): SEED station code channel (str): SEED channel code starttime (:class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`): Start time of animation (UTC) endtime (:class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`): End time of animation (UTC) location (str): SEED location code freqmin (int or float): Lower bandpass corner [Hz] (defaults to 20 Hz / `speed_up_factor`) freqmax (int or float): Upper bandpass corner [Hz] (defaults to 20,000 Hz / `speed_up_factor` or the `Nyquist frequency`_, whichever is smaller) speed_up_factor (int): Factor by which to speed up the waveform data (higher values = higher pitches) fps (int): Frames per second of output video resolution (str): Resolution of output video; one of `'crude'` (640 :math:`\times` 360), `'720p'` (1280 :math:`\times` 720), `'1080p'` (1920 :math:`\times` 1080), `'2K'` (2560 :math:`\times` 1440), or `'4K'` (3840 :math:`\times` 2160) output_dir (str or :class:`~pathlib.Path`): Directory where output video should be saved (defaults to :meth:`~pathlib.Path.cwd`) spec_win_dur (int or float): Duration of spectrogram window [s] db_lim (tuple or str): Tuple defining min and max colormap cutoffs [dB], `'smart'` for a sensible automatic choice, or `None` for no clipping log (bool): If `True`, use log scaling for :math:`y`-axis of spectrogram utc_offset (int or float): If not `None`, convert UTC time to local time using this offset [hours] before plotting .. _Nyquist frequency: """ # Capture args and format as string to store in movie metadata key_value_pairs = [f'{k}={repr(v)}' for k, v in locals().items()] call_str = 'sonify({})'.format(', '.join(key_value_pairs)) # Use current working directory if none provided if not output_dir: output_dir = Path().cwd() output_dir = Path(str(output_dir)).expanduser().resolve() if not output_dir.is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Directory {output_dir} does not exist!') # See client = RoutingClient('iris-federator') print('Retrieving data...') st = client.get_waveforms( network=network, station=station, location=location, channel=channel, starttime=starttime - PAD, endtime=endtime + PAD, ) if not st: raise_on_error(204, None) # If Stream is empty, then raise FDSNNoDataException print('Done') # Merge Traces with the same IDs st.merge(fill_value='interpolate') if st.count() != 1: warnings.warn('Stream contains more than one Trace. Using first entry!') for tr in st: print( tr = st[0] # Now that we have just one Trace, get inventory (which has response info) inv = client.get_stations(, station=tr.stats.station, location=tr.stats.location,, starttime=tr.stats.starttime, endtime=tr.stats.endtime, level='response', ) # Adjust starttime so we have nice numbers in time box (carefully!) offset = np.abs(tr.stats.starttime - (starttime - PAD)) # [s] if offset > warnings.warn( f'Difference between requested and actual starttime is {offset} s, ' f'which is larger than the data sample interval ({} s). ' 'Not adjusting starttime of downloaded data; beware of inaccurate timing!' ) else: tr.stats.starttime = starttime - PAD # Apply UTC offset if provided if utc_offset is not None: signed_offset = f'{utc_offset:{"+" if utc_offset else ""}g}' print(f'Converting to local time using UTC offset of {signed_offset} hours') utc_offset_sec = utc_offset * mdates.SEC_PER_HOUR starttime += utc_offset_sec endtime += utc_offset_sec tr.stats.starttime += utc_offset_sec # All infrasound sensors have a "?DF" channel pattern if[1:3] == 'DF': is_infrasound = True rescale = 1 # No conversion # All high-gain seismometers have a "?H?" channel pattern elif[1] == 'H': is_infrasound = False rescale = 1e6 # Convert m to µm # We can't figure out what type of sensor this is... else: raise ValueError( f'Channel {} is not an infrasound or seismic channel!' ) if not freqmax: freqmax = np.min( [tr.stats.sampling_rate / 2, HIGHEST_AUDIBLE_FREQUENCY / speed_up_factor] ) if not freqmin: freqmin = LOWEST_AUDIBLE_FREQUENCY / speed_up_factor tr.remove_response(inventory=inv) # Units are m/s OR Pa after response removal tr.detrend('demean') tr.taper(max_percentage=None, max_length=PAD / 2) # Taper away some of PAD print(f'Applying {freqmin:g}{freqmax:g} Hz bandpass') tr.filter('bandpass', freqmin=freqmin, freqmax=freqmax, zerophase=True) # Make trimmed version tr_trim = tr.copy() tr_trim.trim(starttime, endtime) # Create temporary directory for audio and video files temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # MAKE AUDIO FILE tr_audio = tr_trim.copy() target_fs = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE / speed_up_factor corner_freq = 0.4 * target_fs # [Hz] Note that Nyquist is 0.5 * target_fs if corner_freq < tr_audio.stats.sampling_rate / 2: # To avoid ValueError tr_audio.filter('lowpass', freq=corner_freq, corners=10, zerophase=True) tr_audio.interpolate(sampling_rate=target_fs, method='lanczos', a=20) tr_audio.taper(0.01) # For smooth start and end audio_file = Path( / '47.wav' print('Saving audio file...') tr_audio.write( str(audio_file), format='WAV', width=4, rescale=True, framerate=AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, ) print('Done') # MAKE VIDEO FILE # We don't need an anti-aliasing filter here since we never use the values, # just the timestamps timing_tr = tr_trim.copy().interpolate(sampling_rate=fps / speed_up_factor) times = timing_tr.times('UTCDateTime')[:-1] # Remove extra frame # Define update function def _march_forward(frame, spec_line, wf_line, time_box, wf_progress): spec_line.set_xdata([times[frame].matplotlib_date]) wf_line.set_xdata([times[frame].matplotlib_date]) time_box.txt.set_text(times[frame].strftime('%H:%M:%S')) tr_progress = tr.copy().trim(endtime=times[frame]) wf_progress.set_xdata(tr_progress.times('matplotlib')) wf_progress.set_ydata( * rescale) # Store user's rc settings, then update font stuff original_params = matplotlib.rcParams.copy() matplotlib.rcParams.update(matplotlib.rcParamsDefault) matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'Tex Gyre Heros' matplotlib.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'custom' fig, *fargs = _spectrogram( tr, starttime, endtime, is_infrasound, rescale, spec_win_dur, db_lim, (freqmin, freqmax), log, utc_offset is not None, resolution, ) # Create animation interval = ((1 / timing_tr.stats.sampling_rate) * MS_PER_S) / speed_up_factor frames_tqdm = tqdm( np.arange(times.size), initial=1, # Frames start at 1 bar_format='{percentage:3.0f}% |{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} frames ', ) animation = FuncAnimation( fig, func=_march_forward, frames=frames_tqdm, fargs=fargs, interval=interval, ) video_file = Path( / '47.mp4' tqdm.write('Saving animation. This may take a while...') video_file, dpi=RESOLUTIONS[resolution][0] / FIGURE_WIDTH, # Can be a float... ) frames_tqdm.close() print('Done') # Restore user's rc settings, ignoring Matplotlib deprecation warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') matplotlib.rcParams.update(original_params) # MAKE COMBINED FILE tr_id_str = '_'.join([code for code in'.') if code]) output_file = output_dir / f'{tr_id_str}_{speed_up_factor}x.mp4' _ffmpeg_combine(audio_file, video_file, output_file, call_str) # Clean up temporary directory, just to be safe temp_dir.cleanup()
def _spectrogram( tr, starttime, endtime, is_infrasound, rescale, spec_win_dur, db_lim, freq_lim, log, is_local_time, resolution, ): """ Make a combination waveform and spectrogram plot for an infrasound or seismic signal. Args: tr (:class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`): Input data, usually starts before `starttime` and ends after `endtime` (this function expects the response to be removed!) starttime (:class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`): Start time endtime (:class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`): End time is_infrasound (bool): `True` if infrasound, `False` if seismic rescale (int or float): Scale waveforms by this factor for plotting spec_win_dur (int or float): See docstring for :func:`~sonify.sonify` db_lim (tuple or str): See docstring for :func:`~sonify.sonify` freq_lim (tuple): Tuple defining frequency limits for spectrogram plot log (bool): See docstring for :func:`~sonify.sonify` is_local_time (bool): Passed to :class:`_UTCDateFormatter` resolution (str): See docstring for :func:`~sonify.sonify` Returns: Tuple of (`fig`, `spec_line`, `wf_line`, `time_box`, `wf_progress`) """ if is_infrasound: ylab = 'Pressure (Pa)' clab = f'Power (dB rel. [{REFERENCE_PRESSURE * 1e6:g} µPa]$^2$ Hz$^{{-1}}$)' ref_val = REFERENCE_PRESSURE else: ylab = 'Velocity (µm s$^{-1}$)' if REFERENCE_VELOCITY == 1: clab = ( f'Power (dB rel. {REFERENCE_VELOCITY:g} [m s$^{{-1}}$]$^2$ Hz$^{{-1}}$)' ) else: clab = ( f'Power (dB rel. [{REFERENCE_VELOCITY:g} m s$^{{-1}}$]$^2$ Hz$^{{-1}}$)' ) ref_val = REFERENCE_VELOCITY fs = tr.stats.sampling_rate nperseg = int(spec_win_dur * fs) # Samples nfft = np.power(2, int(np.ceil(np.log2(nperseg))) + 1) # Pad fft with zeroes f, t, sxx = signal.spectrogram(, fs, window='hann', nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=nperseg // 2, nfft=nfft ) # [dB rel. (ref_val <ref_val_unit>)^2 Hz^-1] sxx_db = 10 * np.log10(sxx / (ref_val**2)) t_mpl = tr.stats.starttime.matplotlib_date + (t / mdates.SEC_PER_DAY) # Ensure a 16:9 aspect ratio fig = Figure(figsize=(FIGURE_WIDTH, (9 / 16) * FIGURE_WIDTH)) # width_ratios effectively controls the colorbar width gs = GridSpec(2, 2, figure=fig, height_ratios=[2, 1], width_ratios=[40, 1]) spec_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) wf_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharex=spec_ax) # Share x-axis with spec cax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) wf_lw = 0.5 wf_ax.plot(tr.times('matplotlib'), * rescale, '#b0b0b0', linewidth=wf_lw) wf_progress = wf_ax.plot(np.nan, np.nan, 'black', linewidth=wf_lw)[0] wf_ax.set_ylabel(ylab) wf_ax.grid(linestyle=':') max_value = np.abs(tr.copy().trim(starttime, endtime).data).max() * rescale wf_ax.set_ylim(-max_value, max_value) im = spec_ax.pcolormesh( t_mpl, f, sxx_db, cmap='inferno', shading='nearest', rasterized=True ) spec_ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') spec_ax.grid(linestyle=':') spec_ax.set_ylim(freq_lim) if log: spec_ax.set_yscale('log') # Tick locating and formatting locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator() wf_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(locator) wf_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_UTCDateFormatter(locator, is_local_time)) fig.autofmt_xdate() # "Crop" x-axis! wf_ax.set_xlim(starttime.matplotlib_date, endtime.matplotlib_date) # Initialize animated stuff line_kwargs = dict(x=starttime.matplotlib_date, color='forestgreen', linewidth=1) spec_line = spec_ax.axvline(**line_kwargs) wf_line = wf_ax.axvline(ymin=0.01, clip_on=False, zorder=10, **line_kwargs) time_box = AnchoredText( s=starttime.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), pad=0.2, loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=[1, 1], bbox_transform=wf_ax.transAxes, borderpad=0, prop=dict(color='forestgreen'), ) offset_px = -0.0025 * RESOLUTIONS[resolution][1] # Resolution-independent! time_box.txt._text.set_y(offset_px) # [pixels] Vertically center text time_box.zorder = 12 # This should place it on the very top; see below time_box.patch.set_linewidth(matplotlib.rcParams['axes.linewidth']) wf_ax.add_artist(time_box) # Adjustments to ensure time marker line is zordered properly # 9 is below marker; 11 is above marker spec_ax.spines['bottom'].set_zorder(9) wf_ax.spines['top'].set_zorder(9) for side in 'bottom', 'left', 'right': wf_ax.spines[side].set_zorder(11) # Pick smart limits rounded to nearest 10 if db_lim == 'smart': db_min = np.percentile(sxx_db, 20) db_max = sxx_db.max() db_lim = (np.ceil(db_min / 10) * 10, np.floor(db_max / 10) * 10) # Clip image to db_lim if provided (doesn't clip if db_lim=None) im.set_clim(db_lim) # Automatically determine whether to show triangle extensions on colorbar # (kind of adopted from xarray) if db_lim: min_extend = sxx_db.min() < db_lim[0] max_extend = sxx_db.max() > db_lim[1] else: min_extend = False max_extend = False if min_extend and max_extend: extend = 'both' elif min_extend: extend = 'min' elif max_extend: extend = 'max' else: extend = 'neither' fig.colorbar(im, cax, extend=extend, extendfrac=EXTENDFRAC, label=clab) spec_ax.set_title(, family='JetBrains Mono') fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0.05) # Finnicky formatting to get extension triangles (if they exist) to extend # above and below the vertical extent of the spectrogram axes pos = cax.get_position() triangle_height = EXTENDFRAC * pos.height ymin = pos.ymin height = pos.height if min_extend and max_extend: ymin -= triangle_height height += 2 * triangle_height elif min_extend and not max_extend: ymin -= triangle_height height += triangle_height elif max_extend and not min_extend: height += triangle_height else: pass cax.set_position([pos.xmin, ymin, pos.width, height]) # Move offset text around and format it more nicely, see # magnitude = wf_ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().orderOfMagnitude if magnitude: # I.e., if offset text is present wf_ax.yaxis.get_offset_text().set_visible(False) # Remove original text sf = ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) sf.orderOfMagnitude = magnitude # Formatter needs to know this! sf.locs = [47] # Can't be an empty list wf_ax.text( 0.002, 0.95, sf.get_offset(), # Let the ScalarFormatter do the formatting work transform=wf_ax.transAxes, ha='left', va='top', ) return fig, spec_line, wf_line, time_box, wf_progress def _ffmpeg_combine(audio_file, video_file, output_file, call_str): """ Combine audio and video files into a single movie. Uses a system call to `FFmpeg`_. Args: audio_file (:class:`~pathlib.Path`): Audio file to use video_file (:class:`~pathlib.Path`): Video file to use output_file (:class:`~pathlib.Path`): Output file (full path) call_str (str): Formatted record of sonify call to add to metadata .. _FFmpeg: """ args = [ 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-v', 'warning', '-i', video_file, '-guess_layout_max', '0', '-i', audio_file, '-c:v', 'copy', '-c:a', 'aac', '-b:a', '320k', '-ac', '2', '-metadata', f'artist=sonify, rev. {__version__}', '-metadata', f'comment={call_str}', output_file, ] print('Combining video and audio using FFmpeg...') code = if code == 0: print(f'Video saved as {output_file}') else: output_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) # Remove file if it was made raise OSError( 'Issue with FFmpeg conversion. Check error messages and try again.' ) # Subclass ConciseDateFormatter (modifies __init__() and set_axis() methods) class _UTCDateFormatter(mdates.ConciseDateFormatter): def __init__(self, locator, is_local_time): super().__init__(locator) # Determine proper time label (local time or UTC) if is_local_time: time_type = 'Local' else: time_type = 'UTC' # Re-format datetimes self.formats[1] = '%B' self.zero_formats[2:4] = ['%B', '%B %d'] self.offset_formats = [ f'{time_type} time', f'{time_type} time in %Y', f'{time_type} time in %B %Y', f'{time_type} time on %B %d, %Y', f'{time_type} time on %B %d, %Y', f'{time_type} time on %B %d, %Y at %H:%M', ] def set_axis(self, axis): self.axis = axis # If this is an x-axis (usually is!) then center the offset text if self.axis.axis_name == 'x': offset = self.axis.get_offset_text() offset.set_horizontalalignment('center') offset.set_x(0.5) def main(): """ This function is run when ```` is called as a script. It's also set up as an entry point. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Produce an animated spectrogram with a soundtrack derived from sped-up seismic or infrasound data.', allow_abbrev=False, ) # Hack the printing function of the parser to fix --db_lim option formatting def _print_message_replace(self, message, file=None): if message: if file is None: file = _sys.stderr file.write(message.replace('[DB_LIM ...]', '[DB_LIM]')) parser._print_message = MethodType(_print_message_replace, parser) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--version', action='version', version=f'{parser.prog}, rev. {__version__}', help=f'show revision number and exit', ) parser.add_argument('network', help='SEED network code') parser.add_argument('station', help='SEED station code') parser.add_argument('channel', help='SEED channel code') parser.add_argument( 'starttime', type=UTCDateTime, help='start time of animation (UTC), format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss', ) parser.add_argument( 'endtime', type=UTCDateTime, help='end time of animation (UTC), format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss', ) parser.add_argument('--location', default='*', help='SEED location code') parser.add_argument( '--freqmin', default=None, type=float, help='lower bandpass corner [Hz] (defaults to 20 Hz / "SPEED_UP_FACTOR")', ) parser.add_argument( '--freqmax', default=None, type=float, help='upper bandpass corner [Hz] (defaults to 20,000 Hz / "SPEED_UP_FACTOR" or the Nyquist frequency, whichever is smaller)', ) parser.add_argument( '--speed_up_factor', default=200, type=int, help='factor by which to speed up the waveform data (higher values = higher pitches)', ) parser.add_argument( '--fps', default=1, type=int, help='frames per second of output video' ) parser.add_argument( '--resolution', default='4K', choices=RESOLUTIONS.keys(), help='resolution of output video; one of "crude" (640 x 360), "720p" (1280 x 720), "1080p" (1920 x 1080), "2K" (2560 x 1440), or "4K" (3840 x 2160)', ) parser.add_argument( '--output_dir', default=None, help='directory where output video should be saved (defaults to current working directory)', ) parser.add_argument( '--spec_win_dur', default=5, type=float, help='duration of spectrogram window [s]', ) parser.add_argument( '--db_lim', default='smart', nargs='+', help='numbers "<min>" "<max>" defining min and max colormap cutoffs [dB], "smart" for a sensible automatic choice, or "None" for no clipping', ) parser.add_argument( '--log', action='store_true', help='use log scaling for y-axis of spectrogram', ) parser.add_argument( '--utc_offset', default=None, type=float, help='if provided, convert UTC time to local time using this offset [hours] before plotting', ) input_args = parser.parse_args() # Extra type check for db_lim kwarg db_lim_error = False db_lim = np.atleast_1d(input_args.db_lim) if db_lim.size == 1: db_lim = db_lim[0] if db_lim == 'smart': pass elif db_lim == 'None': db_lim = None else: db_lim_error = True elif db_lim.size == 2: try: db_lim = tuple(float(s) for s in db_lim) except ValueError: db_lim_error = True else: # User provided more than 2 args db_lim_error = True if db_lim_error: parser.error( 'argument --db_lim: must be one of "smart", "None", or two numeric values "<min>" "<max>"' ) sonify(, input_args.station,, input_args.starttime, input_args.endtime, input_args.location, input_args.freqmin, input_args.freqmax, input_args.speed_up_factor, input_args.fps, input_args.resolution, input_args.output_dir, input_args.spec_win_dur, db_lim, input_args.log, input_args.utc_offset, ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()